My Trinny London peri and menopausal friendly skincare routine

My Trinny London peri and menopausal friendly skincare routine

Oh it’s been a while between peri and menopausal friendly skincare updates but I’ve got a good one for you: a Trinny London skincare routine that my skin is not only loving but thriving on. And I was prescribed the routine by Trinny herself. Yes, I still can’t quite believe that bit!

Before I get stuck in and share what the routine involves and what it was like to share a bathroom with this incredible powerhouse of a woman (yes, I got to not only meet Trinny but she touched my face. A LOT.), I’ll repeat what I’ve always been upfront about when it comes to my skin and the products I use.

1. One of the biggest myths about skin is that injectables change the texture and feel of it. They don’t. I’ve never hidden the fact that I get Botox. I’ve done so (two-three times a year) since the year I turned 40. And the year I turned 50, I got .5ml of filler in each of my cheeks. I haven’t had filler for two years now. I’m now 55. I know it’s not for everyone and that’s ok.

2. The condition of my skin is thanks to a combination of wearing sunscreen and staying out of the sun from a very young age and having a consistent skincare routine since the age of 18. I upped that routine the year I turned 30 and actually committed to night-time cleansing. I KNOW! Future self is very happy.

3. I invest in seeing a trusted skincare therapist every month for a facial treatment to suit exactly what my skins needs at that given moment. Usually it involves microdermabrasion, a mask and LED light therapy. It’s important to find someone who has the knowledge to treat your skin specifically to your individual needs, not just in a cookie-cutter, “how much product can I sell?” approach.

4. I’m not currently sponsored by any skincare company.

The biggest challenge I’ve faced with my skin during the peri and now menopause years is that as I’ve aged it’s become highly irritable and sensitive … a bit like myself. HAH.

For years and years, I’d test and write about all manner of beauty products. I could throw anything at my face and it wouldn’t have any adverse affects at all. Not any more.

If you’re feeling the same changes in your skin, particularly if you feel you’re in peri menopause, my biggest skincare tip is to tread gently. Potent actives, such as retinol and Vitamin C can trigger the opposite of what you’re trying to achieve with your skin. Everyone is, however, different. This is just my message to you because skincare – and serums specifically – are such a hot topics right now that the temptation can be just to jump right in and throw caution to the wind. It took me a long time to build my skin strength back up and I’d not want the same to happen to you.

Ok … back to the topic at hand: a Trinny London peri and menopausal friendly skincare routine.

When Trinny launched skincare earlier this year, I jumped on board and bought the two cleansers. It was love at first face wash but I was scared for my face to buy any more of the products as the serums and moisturisers launched. Trinny London’s Australian PR company had also sent me some to trial but still I was hesitant.

Fast forward a few months later, I’m having a career pinch-me moment. I’m standing with THE Trinny Woodall in the bathroom of her suite at Sydney’s Park Hyatt hotel. I’d barely glanced at the 180 degree view that took in Circular Quay and the Opera House before Trinny had her fingers on my face, taking me through a Trinny London peri and menopausal friendly skincare routine and teaching me how to massage my face and stand on one leg as I applied it. 

Trinny London peri and menopausal friendly skincare routine - Styling You's Nikki Parkinson meets Trinny Woodall

Sit back, relax and watch the video for more. I had more than a few laughs as I watched back and edited it. There was absolutely no chance to feel nervous. Trinny made me feel welcome and was engaged from the moment we met. She is every bit the woman that you seen on your Instagram or Facebook feed.

Trinny London peri and menopausal friendly skincare routine – products used

I’ve now been using this exact routine every night since meeting Trinny. I can hand on heart say (also verified by my skin therapist this week) that this routine has made a visible difference to the texture of my skin. 

1. Be Your Best enzyme balm cleanser (the first step in an end-of-the-day double cleanse – I wouldn’t use in the morning)

2. Better Off AHA/PHA gel cleanser (second cleansing step at night; only cleansing step in the morning)

3. Tiptoe In – PHA exfoliant (one pump) diluted with Plump Up peptide + HA serum (two pumps)

4. Plump Up peptide + HA serum (two pumps) … a second layer on top of previous one.

5. Bounce Back intense peptide moisturiser 

This routine will work for the morning too – with sunscreen as your final step. I’m still using up my existing products so will re-assess that routine when they run out.

These products were gifted but I’ll continue to buy them after they run out. My skin loves them. The glow factor is definitely there and I can’t get enough of that.

Unsure where you should start? Like the makeup survey, there’s a Match2Me survey for Trinny London skincare. And if you live or are visiting Sydney or Melbourne, you can book an appointment at the Trinny London kiosk at Westfield Bondi Junction and Westfield Doncaster respectively. Virtual appointments via Zoom are also available.

Speaking of makeup … stay tuned. Part 2 of my Trinny Woodall meet and experience is coming. I may have been going a little rogue with my base colours the past four years but I stand corrected!

Styling You's Nikki Parkinson meets Trinny London's Trinny Woodall

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