How To Express Feelings To The One You Adore? – evermée

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”
― Helen Keller.
eelings are powerful and enigmatic; they drive most of us.
Certain feelings emanate from deep within the heart.
That is why it empowers us to confront terrible situations and relish the good times in life.
But without proper articulation.
Feelings are lifeless!
Is There A Need To Express Feelings To Your Loved One?
At times, sharing your feelings can be the most daunting thing to do.
But just like love – feelings and emotions too – need to be expressed.
Confessing how you feel to your – girlfriend, spouse, sister, parent, friend, or any person you adore.
It can all go in vain without expressing your true feelings.
Moreover, when it comes to expressing feelings, you might think –
Do I really need to express my feelings?
Is being upfront and saying whatever comes to my mind alright?
Would sharing my feelings make things weird?
Many such questions might cross your mind.
After all, sharing feelings isn’t a walk in the park.
It involves risk and takes courage while making you feel exposed and vulnerable.
But in the end, it’s all worth it!
Expressing your feelings will only make your love stronger & healthier.
So, without any further ado.
Let’s jump straight to the ways that will help you express feelings.
Ways To Express Feelings (Without Getting Awkward)
Nothing Is Better Than A Meaningful Gift
From time immemorial.
Gifts have been helping us humans express feelings to our loved ones.
Any emotion, feeling, or state of mind can be revealed flawlessly by a gift.
However, a gift should be chosen meticulously.
Not every gift can express your emotional state and feelings.
Only gifts that are meaningful, unique, and unforgettable express your true feelings.
At evermée, we value your emotions and respect your feelings.
That is why we have crafted an exquisite piece of jewelry that can store your lovely memories.
Embellished with the finest gemstones.
The necklace has a minimalistic yet unsettlingly pleasant look and feel.
Just download the evermée app, upload your memorable photos into the necklace.
Surprise your beloved with this stunning present.
Watch while they cry tears of joy seeing the photo you stored for them.
Gifts like the evermée memories necklace express what is difficult to articulate in mere words.
Are you excited to know more about the evermée necklace?
Could You Please Talk Less And Listen More?
It can astonish you.
But listening can help you express your emotions and feelings.
Listening patiently to your loved one’s feelings and emotions will make them more comfortable around you.
This will help them, in turn, comprehend your feelings better.
Keep in mind the 80/20 rule: Talk less and listen more.
Often, sharing your feelings out of the blue can make things awkward.
Feelings of any sort – happy/sad/romantic – can be expressed clearly when your dearest is ready to listen.
But before you grab their attention, it is imperative to give yours first.
By listening patiently and attentively.
So be an active listener and give the one you adore, the attention he/she seeks.
Be Spontaneous In Your Actions
Every relationship – perhaps with your lover, friend, sister, mother, or father.
Comes to phases at some point or another.
Where it can take a lot of effort to keep the spark alive.
Forget expressing your feelings.
Even a simple, meaningful talk seems unachievable.
In times like these being spontaneous in your actions can revitalize your bond.
Try new things and bring surprises into your life.
Bringing spontaneity back into your relationship can make you alive once again.
With this new spontaneity, sharing feelings and emotions will become much more manageable.
Show Affection Cause It’s Cute
Expressing feelings begins with showing love.
Don’t shy away from giving a hug, kiss, or holding the hands of the one you adore.
Remember, affection can communicate your feelings way better than any word in the dictionary.
Being affectionate not only obliterates the barriers between you two.
But it also brings you close to the one you love both mentally and physically.
With this regained closeness, the exchange of emotions and feelings becomes much easier.
Be Present In The Hour Of Need
What if someone you cherish leaves you in a time of distress?
How would you feel?
Miserable, right?
That’s how important it is to be there for someone in the hour of need.
No matter, what life throws, stand beside the one you care about, love, and respect.
Because nothing is more significant than being there for someone when they need you the most.
Selfless intentions like this will make that person aware of your feelings for them.
It reflects your feelings without actually saying it out loud.
So, if you really want to express feelings to someone.
Stand with them in their toughest times.
Write A Love Note Sometimes, Perhaps?
What’s better than expressing your feelings through a note?
It can be the old way, but it is undoubtedly the most touching way to express feelings.
If you are someone who can’t articulate your feelings in speech.
Or, perhaps you can’t gather enough courage to express your feelings directly.
Then for you, my friend, a note expressing your feeling can do wonders.
Just make sure every word you write comes straight from the heart.
Besides, you can add poetry or narrate an incident to make the person feel connected.
Every relationship at every stage needs revival.
Revitalization – in the form of – love, care, emotion, and feelings.
Surprising the person you adore with a love note once in a while.
Will remind them of your love, making feelings easier to express.
Tips To Help You Convey Feelings
Here are a few tips that will help you convey your feelings without actually saying anything –
- Don’t be over expressive while pouring your heart out.
- Never rush to a conclusion before expressing your feelings.
- It can be tricky, so choose your words wisely.
- Don’t shy away from saying what you feel inside.
- Surprise them with a gift while you express yourself.
What Happens When You ‘Bottle Up’ Your Feelings?
Masking feelings can have a significant impact on your emotional health and relationship.
Distorted communication
Hiding your feelings can prevent clear communications with people you adore.
Lack of shared feelings can bring conflicts, misunderstandings, and doubts in your relationship.
When you are unable to work through these problems.
You will eventually become angrier and a more resentful version of yourself.
Thus, it is imperative to share your feelings in whichever you can.
For instance, surprising your loved one with a gift will remind them of you and your love.
If you are in search of such a gift.
Then look no further.
Because the evermée necklace is a perfect gift that can express your true feelings and emotions.
Are you excited to know more?
Stressful Relationship
You can be a master in hiding your feelings.
But trust me, hiding your feelings will be of no help in any kind of relationship.
Every bond we humans share needs an interchange of feelings and emotions.
Without expressing feelings.
The relationship you want to strengthen will eventually become weak instead.
Emotional Buildup
The feelings you hide manifest in the form of anger, resentment, and frustration.
Believe it or not, but masking feelings will do no good.
Expressing your feelings can feel scary, but sometimes it is the right thing to do.
Since it can ease the emotional buildup and may bring your relationship to new heights.
To Wind Up,
Expressing feelings is a hard thing to do.
Not everyone can articulate in words how they feel exactly for someone.
After all, no level of the lexicon can mirror your feelings.
So sometimes, expressing feelings through other means can be of benefit.
An evermée necklace is a perfect way to express how you feel for the one you adore.
A piece of stunning jewelry for available for both him and her.
Show the one you love how you feel.
By gifting them an evermée necklace.
Shop Now!