Happy New Year!

I know I am almost two weeks late with my New Year greeting but honestly I need a few weeks to collect my thought and do some planning without too much stress. I get so overwhelmed by the new year that I didn’t sleep for days, it’s like that Sunday to Monday sleep but worse, cause we’re not going into a new week but a whole new year!

With my time offline(ish) I had a little time to plan what I wanted to do with this blog. My online content all started here and I’d love to come back to it a little more but I am absolutely not a writer which means that writing and hitting the publish button now makes me very nervous. It’s crazy that I didn’t use to feel like this back when I started this blog, every post was littered with spelling and grammar mistakes (still is) but I think the expectation of me to everyday meant I didn’t have enough time to worry about what others would think.

I am hoping to be posting weekly but at this point I’d even be happy with twice a month as the whole of last year I just managed three posts. It’s unlikely to be as beauty centric as it was previously and I’m actually more excited to share some posts about my home (which I moved into last year).

I’m thinking about doing little weekly catch up on here too just to jot down my feelings, experiences and favourites of the week so stay tunes if that’s something you’d be interested in.

I think I will be taking a slight step back from Instagram this year because it’s simply not my favourite platform and one I don’t really engage with as much as i use to. I really feel like i don’t know how to exist on Instagram without promoting extreme consumerism but I’ll be trying to work that out this year.

My favourite platform to engage with is without a doubt YouTube, take away all other social media but leave me YouTube- I watch YouTube more than TV and it’s by far my favourite source of entertainment so hopefully I’ll also be on there a little more but again, trying to work out how to not push extreme consumerism on there.

As always, thank you for the support and I hope you’ll stick around for 2022.

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